Very quick post to note that the agenda for Monday's ANC 6D meeting
is now posted. The bevy of Near Southeast items include:
* The zoning case to allow Capitol Hill Day School to
erect temporary structures on the Community Center lot starting in June while their school undergoes renovation;
* A
Yards zoning amendment that would allow Forest City to "temporarily" (not more than 20 years) include office space in the second floor of the Lumber Storage Shed at the
Yards Park, which would allow
FC to move their offices there;
* And an update on "landscaping plans" at 200 I Street (still known in these parts at
225 Virginia Avenue).
There's also a lot of other items more of interest across the way in Southwest, although the items on "Safeway 'Customer Service' Procedures" and some others might be of note to Near Southeast residents as well.
Also, I might point out this item from the
agenda, if you haven't noticed it before: "Community Concerns -- ANC6D residents may address the Commission for three (3) minutes, provided they have called the ANC office at 202-554-1795 at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance of the meeting to supply the topic and request a time slot. (Statements must be submitted in writing for record purposes.) " The Community Concerns slot is now at the very end of meetings, however.
The meeting is at 7 pm at St. Augustine's Episcopal Church, at 600 M St., SW.