It's a slow Friday afternoon, so I'll sneak across South Capitol Street for this tidbit
from the Post: "D.C. Attorney General Linda Singer won a court order yesterday requiring the owners of a property near the new baseball stadium to clear it of abandoned cars and trucks, construction debris and hazardous materials. Singer filed suit last week in D.C. Superior Court against John Henry Davis and John Reginald Davis, who she claimed have been using a vacant lot as an illegal dumping ground. The court order calls for the site, at 1800 Half Street SW, to be cleared within 21 days. The lawsuit was filed after citations calling for a cleanup were ignored, D.C. officials said. 'The area surrounding the stadium and the nearby neighborhood is expected to be a new and exciting entertainment destination, not a junkyard,' Singer said in a statement." If it's really 1800 Half Street, they must be talking about the cars and junk on the north end of the site, judging by this
Google Maps satellite view (though it's from 2005).