Here's an interesting bit of political maneuvering.... From
the Examiner:
"D.C. City Council Member Jack Evans, D-Ward 2 [...], who chairs the finance and revenue committee, introduced legislation Tuesday called the National Capital Revitalization Corporation and
Anacostia Waterfront Corporation Reorganization Act of 2007. The bill seeks to transfer the assets of both organizations back to the District and would revert all of their power to the mayor's office. Council Member David Catania, I-at large, signed on as a co-sponsor.
"Catania and Evans complained the agencies have become barriers to getting things done in the District, saying the organizations have too often clashed or engaged in what Evans referred to as 'turf wars.' Evans also accused the agencies of being unresponsive to the council, adding that the legislative body should have more oversight."
We'll have to watch how this unfolds, I think it's very interesting that Jack Evans is the one who introduced it. I'd link to the bill, but it's not in the
council's online legislation system yet.