I am trying soooooooooo hard to not get sucked into tracking the goings-on at
Poplar Point, but I know that a lot of visitors to this site are very interested in what's going on just across the river from Near Southeast. So once again I'm posting a few items of interest, with the disclaimer that you shouldn't depend on me for up-to-the-minute Poplar Point news, and that maybe some enterprising soul will start an East of the River blog that I can happily point people to. Anyway, yesterday brought the
official announcement that
Victor MacFarlane, whose
MacFarlane Partners company owns a 25% stake in the
Southeast Federal Center redevelopment, has partnered with other investors to purchase
DC United's operating rights, and to build the team a new stadium at Poplar Point and develop the land around it. The team is hoping to get a new stadium built by the 2009 season (!), but no one's officially announced any proposals for how a stadium will be paid for. In the meantime, the
Anacostia Waterfront Corporation, which is overseeing the redevelopment of Poplar Point, has announced a
January 20 Ward 8 Public Meeting about the plans for the site. And now you're all charged with
going out and learning more about it on your own :-).